Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Blog 3 Oral History Data

Arlene asked where I am from and age
She divulged information about where she was…6th grade in Summit NJ and her school was not evacuated and her teacher made the announcement during class and continued with his lesson.
Asked where I was and what grade was I in - broke conversation to eagerly write my response

 Asked me if anyone I know had someone in the towers. Shakes her head emphatically when I said the cellphone towers literally crashed because so many people were trying to get in touch with their loved ones.

Asked to compare and contrast my feelings on 9.11.2001 and now
She agreed that she noticed the sentiment has changed to disappointment rather than trying to find who to blame. "Now we know definitely who to blame and who was the cause."

In response to me stating how the overall sentiment of the country was giving and patriotic
Arlene stated that "it’s sad that it takes a tragedy to bring a sense of comraderie."

In response to whether or not the memorial services should continue Arlene waved one hand in the air and said “they absolutely should continue because its important to remember. Just because you remember doesn’t mean you are dwelling on it."

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